Informa Conference: Tax update for foreign doms and non-resident clients
Key sessions will include:
- Golden Trusts and Training and Adjuster Clauses and Old S.720 Income (Emma Chamberlain)
- The IHT See-Through of Overseas Companies Which Hold UK Residential Property and the 10 Yearly Gnat Bites (Emma Chamberlain)
What Now s.720, 728 and 731 and the IT Settlement Code and the POAT
- Current Problems Facing Trustees and their Underlying Companies
Pre 6/4/17 Capital Payments from Settlements – What Now
The Art of Cleansing Mixed Funds (Emma Chamberlain)
Rebasing of Individual’s Gains; The One-Off Relief
For more information, and to book your place via Informa Conferences, please click here.
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