
Evidential issues in tax litigation

27 Apr 2017

Julian Ghosh QC and Charles Bradley will be speaking at this Seminar. Topic will cover:

  • Burden of proof
  • Witness handling and the rule in Markem v Zipher
  • Expert evidence
  • Powers of the Upper Tribunal to review findings of fact

All the Seminars will start at 6.15pm and will be held in our seminar room at 15/17 Jockey’s Fields, London.

After the presentation there will be time for questions from the floor. The formal part will last around 1 hour and will be followed by drinks, canapés and an opportunity to talk to the speakers, other Members of Chambers and guests.

Places are limited and will be issued on a first come first served basis.

If you would prefer to make a booking via BACS or cheque, please email

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