Many of our barristers advise on value added tax, and appear in the Tribunals and Courts on VAT disputes. VAT affects every area of commercial life, and many businesses are still adjusting to the consequences of Brexit. .
Important issues in the VAT field where our barristers have expertise include:
- Business/non-business
- Non-economic activity
- Exemption
- Zero-rating
- Input tax recovery
- The continued relevance of EU law post-Brexit
- Judicial review
- Commercial disputes relating to VAT
- Penalties
Our barristers advise and represent businesses of all sizes in the commercial, retail, financial services, international trade, education and charitable sectors.
Members of Chambers also advise on other indirect taxes including:
- Customs Duties
- Excise Duties
- Insurance Premium Tax
- Gaming and Betting Duties
- Landfill Tax, Scottish Landfill Tax and Landfill Disposals Tax
- Climate Change Levy
- Aggregates Levy
- Plastic Packaging Tax
- Air Passenger Duty
Our clerks will be able to suggest barristers with relevant expertise, and details of selected recent matters can be found on profiles of individual barristers.